Hello, I want to state as a disabled person and activist this exhibition has helped me, when I google disability activism all that comes up is the lighter more peaceful softer side. I actually feel many people only know this side. Activism comes in many forms not all of it peaceful and sometimes hard activism can create change. If anything this exhibition has encouraged me and helped me academically write about the great lengths those who were not listened went to or to be treated as equal. Please dont Think that the ADA was brought in on peaceful protest it wasn't, this would have influenced that, and even RAD would have influenced that. All you have to do is look at how many new stories state propaganda such as us being "scourgers", how disabled activists get their money removed for protesting or how police take wheel chair batteries at XR rallies, just to realise just because we have the Equality Act 2010 now doesn't mean we are treated as equal, we are unfortunately, still repressed and disabled due to the way society and the media portrays us, effecting society view of disability to start with. I think also depends on how far you are willing to stick your middle finger up at the establishment. Even producing this exhibition could be seen as encouraging terrorism